Numarul mesajelor : 50 Varsta : 34 Localizare : roman Data de inscriere : 24/06/2008
Subiect: Mutant's Laboratory [AMXMODX] Mier Iun 25, 2008 5:12 pm
Mutant's Laboratory AMX MOD X Plugin
* Author : SAMURAI * Version : 0.2
* Details : Somewhere in Norikura Mountains exists an secret Laboratory . There human's are transformed into creatures . Available creatures : - Ant - Bigger Homar - Black Chicken - Gorg Zilla - Normal Homar - Huge Spider - White Chicken
* ADMIN Commands : amx_ant - Transform player(s) into a ant(s) amx_bhomar - Transform player(s) into an bigger homar(s) amx_bchicken - Transform player(s) into black chicken(s) amx_gorgzilla amx_hoamr - Transform player(s) into a homar(s) amx_hspider - Transform player(s) into huge spider(s) amx_human - Transform player(s) into human(s)
! Admins must have "BAN_ACCES" on acces for use this commands !
* Client Commands: /antme -> You will be transform into ant antme -> You will be transform into ant
/bhomarme -> You will be transform into an bigger homar bhomarme -> You will be transform into an bigger homar
/bchickenme -> You will be transform into an black chicken bchickenme -> You will be transform into an black chicken
/gorgzillame -> You will be transorm into gorgzilla gorgzillame -> You will be transorm into gorgzilla
/hspiderme -> You will be transform into an huge spider hspiderme -> You will be transform into an huge spider
/wchickenme -> You will be transform into an white chicken wchickenme -> You will be transform into an white chicken
/humanme -> You will be transform into human humanme -> You will be transform into human
! Use this commands on "chat" ! No admin acces required !