Ce este HLStats ?
HL Stats este un add-on pentru Counter-Strike in genul
PsychoStats-ului adica arata jucatorii care sunt pe server pe ce harta
se joaca, ce arme folosesc, ce clanuri au intrat pe server.
Mai intai trebuie sa aveti instalat
wamp5 !
Acuma downloadati
Instalre:Acuma extrageti tot continutul arhivei hlstats in C:hlstats dupacare creati un folder
hlstats in wamphtdocs in care copiati fisierul si folderul
hlstatsimg din C:hlstats.
Configurare:Deschideti fisierul
hlstats.conf din C:hlstatshlstats.conf cu WordPad-ul.
Aici faceti urmatoarele modificari:
# DBUsername - User to connect to the database as.
DBUsername "va puneti userul root"
# DBPassword - Password for the database user.
DBPassword "parola userului"
# DNSResolveIP - Resolve player IP addresses to hostnames.
# Requires a working DNS setup (on the box running hlstats.pl). 1=on 0=off
DNSResolveIP 0
DeleteDays 7
Acuma intrati in fisierul
hlstats.php din folderul wamphtdocshlstats cu WordPad.
Aici faceti urmatoarele modificari:
// DB_USER - The username to connect to the database as
define("DB_USER", "va puneti userul root");
// DB_PASS - The password for DB_USER
define("DB_PASS", "parola userului");
define("INCLUDE_PATH", "C:/hlstats/hlstatsinc");
// PLATFORM - Sets the operating system being used. Recognised values:
// "POSIX" - Any variant of Linux or Unix.
// "Windows" - Any variant of Microsoft Windows.
// Most parts of HLstats should work on any platform, but this
// setting allows for some OS-specific workarounds etc.
define("PLATFORM", "Windows");
Acuma intrati
aiciVa logati cu User-ul: admin si Parola: 123456
Aici va faceti voi setarile dorite.
Acuma intrati in Start>Run>cmd si scrieti urmatoarele:
cd hlstats
perl hlstats
Aici trebuie sa va apara:
++ HLstats 1.02 starting.
-- Opening UDP listen socket on port 27500 . opened OK
-- Connecting to MySQL database 'hlstats' on 'localhost' as user 'statsguy' .
connected OK
++ HLstats is now running (Normal mode, debug level 1).
Acuma intrati dinnou in Start>Run>cmd si scrieti:
at 00:00 /every:Su,M,T,W,Th,F,S perl C:hlstatshlstats-awards.pl
Acuma trebuie sa primiti mesajul:
Added a new job with job ID = 1